Focused Driven Lifestyle Coaching Presents...

"A New And Revolutionary System That Will Help You Be More Focused, Productive, & Profitable
Discover the Secrets to Annihilating Procrastination, Channeling Focus, and Remove Distractions by using our proven FAST Coaching System, but first watch this important message from Master Coach Dr. Lyman Montgomery...
When you woke up this morning did you feel...
Energized, excited and passionate, like you couldn't wait to start the day?
Blessed that you could spend time with those whom matter the most to you?
Or, did you feel frustrated due to missing a huge business deal because you were distracted by a less important concerns?
There has to be a better way of getting things done...
If That Sounds Like You, then keep reading...
My name is Dr. Lyman Montgomery, we help coaches, consultants and entrepruneurs scale their business to six-figure and more, so they can focus on what matters the most to them.  As you continue to read, I'm going to show you how  to annihilate procrastination, remove distractions and develop a focused-driven lifestyle in as little as 7 minutes a day.

Let me explain...
According to Entrepreneur Magazine, "FOCUS is the #1 Quality needed in business TODAY." 
The Problem Is Most People Are 
Distracted at Work And Home...
Back in the good old days, there was no Facebook, no Twitter, no YouTube, no smart phones, no text messages and email was this thing that only computer scientists used.
The truth is, for many, it becomes more difficult to stay focused. Our attention is being pulled in so many different directions that we often let urgent or important things slip through the cracks.

You are not alone because there are thousands of people like you and me who have been in that exact situation. Even getting out of bed in the morning is a struggle.

I, myself, had almost lost my business over some stupid distraction that made me lose my drive and focus to make a living.  And it was not a good memory.
We’ve all been there. We sit at our office desk, intent on resolving important issues regarding our business, then BAM! Thoughts from all over the place sneak into our mind and, then we get distracted. 

We think about that wonderful vacation, the latest episode we missed, or the final score of the game.
Distractions are everywhere, especially online. Your intent is to just check your emails and update your correspondence, then you click on a link, and it takes you thousands of places. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, you name it, they are all distraction traps!
You end up realizing you've lost 6 precious hours of your day BEING BUSY, DOING NOTHING.

The reality, You Repeat The Same Pattern Day After Day... 
But, as you will discover, it doesn't have to stay this way
Imagine Living the Life You Want...
Imagine walking into work, and knowing exactly what you have to do (the right things), and being able to sit down, focus, block out any distractions - and just do it.

Imagine spending fewer hours running around like a firefighter putting out workplace fires and having to worry about unimportant things.

But instead, being able to take a walk on the beach with your partner and enjoy the sound of the ocean and not worry about time demands. 

Imagine taking a vacation to your favorite destination, staying as long as you want and not having to worry about money because, while you are relaxing on a boat or playing on the beach, you continue to generate revenue and enroll clients on auto piliot.
It all starts With Mental Focus
Do you want to be a Superhero?
When I first created this unique system, people would say, "Your ability to focus is extreme, like you have some sort of Mutant Superpowers."  
While I've been able to achieve a lot in life with my ability to focus my mind and energies; let me assure you, I'm not a superhero or possess any super powers. 

I've just used some simple strategies that have allowed me to reach my goals and live a FOCUSED DRIVEN lifestyle.  

I'm most proud of the fact that I've been able to teach others my Focused Acceleration Success Transormation System and have seen virtually every area of their lives changed and transformed.
And most importantly of all, they have an amazing sense of focus, mental clarity, and fulfillment in their lives.
Empowered Students and Counting!
I’ve been able to help thousands of other people around the world to achieve a focused driven lifestyle, and they've shared their stories about how their lives have changed for the better. 

My goal to help 1,000,000 people to live a focused-driven lifestyle by 2020.
In Just 7-Minutes a Day, You Can Become More Focused and Productive.  
What's Holding Most People Back from Living A Focused Driven Lifestyle
People aren't getting the RIGHT things done because they are too busy putting out fires all day. People aren't getting ahead because of unnecessary emergencies, various crises, and non-stop notifications, which all prevent them from doing the important work. 

By the time they get home, they have no time left and are too tired to do anything else. There's no time to spend with their partner. No time to play with the kids. No time to work on a side-project. No motivation to do anything. After a while, even their relationships with loved ones start to deteriorate.
What history has taught us,
Most Successful People
In The World  Are Able to Focus their Mind and Energies in the Right Direction!
7 Signs You're Overworked, Procrastinating and Distracted
It's a reality that most people at work are feeling overwhelmed and buried under the piles of work and responsibilities they have to deal with daily.  Due to this,  many struggled to get things done.  Below are 7 signs that may indicate you are overworked, procrastinating and or distracted:

     1 . You have TOO much to do that you're paralyzed on where to start.

     2.   Your attention is pulled in multiple directions, feeling scatter-brained and it makes you feel like you  are missing out on doing something more urgent at the moment.

     3 . You're putting out fires, managing CRISES and dealing with interruptions. 

     4. You planned to work on something  and the day has gone by, you still haven't done it, now you're STRESSING out  trying to get it done at the last minute. 

     5. You have trouble keeping on top of emails, you keep MISSING important information because your inbox is overflowing. 

    6. You know what need to be done, but you  can't motivate yourself to get started... so you begin procrastinating. 

    7 . You don't know how to allocate ENOUGH time for things you need to do, which leads to bad planning, stressful work at the last minute and always feeling like there is no end to your to-do list. 

If you've experienced any of these signs, or if you have a gut reaction to deny that any of these don't bother you - then that's a clear sign of denial and something has to change.  

As my mentor in college would say, "Change ain't change, until it's Changed." 

You have to take a step in that direction to become more focused, productive and ultimately more profitable in your business.  We know,  success leaves clues!
"FAST Coaching System  teaches you to pay attention and get results..."
Success Leaves Clues...
After studying and learning from the most successful, we've discovered
the thoughts, beliefs, habits, emotions and behaviors that  make them successful.
If someone is successful in their life, then there are consistent things they’re doing that are setting themselves up for success.
They have ways of thinking, certain belief systems, habits, and behaviors that they’ve conditioned in their lives and made automatic.
When we study their stories, their lives, we find that they all have consistent actions that they take every day that sets them up for success.
If someone is physically fit and energetic, then they have a specific routine that conditions them to be fit, vibrant and energetic.
And if someone has a remarkable relationship, or they’re confident, or they’re happy and fulfilled - then I can promise you that there are certain things that help them focus and make things happen in their lives.
What the Rich, Famous and Influential World Changers have to Say about being focused...
Benjamin Franklin, a Founding Father Of The United States, Internationally known speaker and author, had a morning ritual of waking up at 4:00am. He would ask himself the question, “What good shall I do this day?"
Oprah Winfrey "The key to realizing a dream is to focus not on success but on significance--and then even the small steps and little victories along your path will take on greater meaning."
Tony Robbins “One reason so few of us achieve what we truly want is that we never direct our focus; we never concentrate our power. Most people dabble their way through life, never deciding to master anything in particular.” 
Jack Canfield  "Successful people maintain focus in life no matter what is going on around them.  They stay focused on their past successes rather than their past failures."
Bruce Lee  “The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus.” 
Keke Palmer "If you focus more on the inside, you'll feel just as great about the outside. I feel attractive when I'm doing good and helping people."
Steve Jobs, Founder of Apple Computers, once said, “For the past 33 years I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: ‘If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?’ And whenever the answer has been ‘No’ for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.”
Bill Gates, Founder of Microsoft, "Only through focus can you do world-class things, no matter how capable you are"
Ellen Degeneres "I think if everybody focused on what we all have in common - which is - we all want to be happy"
It's All About Brain Science
Research shows that frequency and repetition are needed to reinforce learning.  In fact, it takes about 7 to 11 repetitions to affect your decision-making process this in the subconscious mind.
We've heard it another way, "It takes 21 days to change or create a new habit which becomes a behavior over time.” For example, if you buy a new car, and the lights were on the left side of the dashboard in your old car, you automatically will reach to the left with the new car; although consciously you know the light switch is on the right.  That's the power of the subconscious mind.

To expand and internalize new knowledge, skills, or better understand something.  It takes about 7 to 11 repetitions to become proficient at something.

Let’s be real, very few people will read the same book 7 to 11 times.  Most won’t attend the same seminar 7 to 11 times unless some aspect of the workshop has changed or been upgraded.  Often, those who participated in the same seminar are doing so due to the Law of Proximity.  Being in an environment where they can feed off of each other, connect or reconnect with other attendees.

This is why information programs alone are not powerful, however transformative information is very powerful, especially video, audio or mp3 products that show results.  When you listen to the same song, read the same story, or watch the same performance over and over again, it builds and reinforces neurological pathsways in your brain.  

With a push of a button, you can transform any environment into a learning center.  

In the time it takes to get from one destination to another, you can embed critical information and knowledge into your subconscious mind.  In other words, listening to compelling information allows you to remove and replace old information with new data.  With this system, there are:   
     No travel time to workshops or seminars
     No air time travel or layovers
     No hotel bills
     No time lost sitting in a classroom
     No books to carry around

What is this worth to you?  What can a few minutes (7-minutes) a day be worth to you? 

If what I’m sharing makes you jump out of your seat
and say, "I WANT THAT LIFE", then, I want to share a transformative coaching system I created that has the power to transform your life...
FAST Transformation Coaching System
The FAST Coaching System Helps You Create The Life of Joy, Abundance, And Success You Deserve...
 Studies have shown that one can be successful in their business, and fail when it comes to their family. It is also true that those who focused solely on community development and social issues often suffer financially and put a huge strain on their families.  This is why our approach is unique; our aim is to help you be successful in all three areas of your life: personal, professional, and community.
Within The FAST Coaching System, I Help You Implement  Simple Techniques In Your Life,  So You Can Enjoy An Extraordinary Day And An Extraordinary Life!
7 Ways The FAST Coaching System Will Work  For You
 Why would you want to go through the FAST Coaching System? Here are just a few reasons...

      1.  Annihilate procrastination for good.  Any guilt, disappointment or negative feelings about procrastination                will be GONE.

      2 . Never worry about work stress or email stress again. Whatever is thrown at you- you will handle it                              without anxiety. 

      3 . Handle work issues with ease, feel like life is ... EASIER. 

     4 . Learn and apply quick and long-term solutions.  The system shows you how to get "quick wins," and                            develop long-term strategies; this is where the real magic happens. Afterward, you'll find it impossible to go back to your old "unproductive self." 

     5. The complete system is flexible, and you can move through it at your own pace.

     6. Get over two decades of experience and information condensed into an easy to use learning system.  

     7. No special knowledge, program or skills are required. We made the system accessible to if you desires to improve your life. You will NOT get overwhelmed or lost or confused about our concepts or methods. 

 Bonus: Everyone around you will notice how more focused and productive you have become. They may not see it at first, but get ready for the stream of questions  such as: "what supplements are you taking?" or "have you been doing something different recently?"  

You will feel energized, excited and inspired to keep going when other people start to admire what you're able to accomplish and will want to be as focused and productive as you.

 When you implement all of this, you'll get AT LEAST an extra two to three hours every day to do anything you want. Whether that's extra sleep, time with the family and kids, some work on your side-projects, or indulgence watching your favorite TV series.  Get ready to feel excited, energized, and enjoy life again!
Here's What You're Getting Inside
Focused Acceleration Success Transformation System
The System Consists Of  6  Weeks Of Video Training That Last Between 7 and 15 Minutes, Weekly Email Reminders, Downloadable Worksheets That You Can Keep By Your Bed To Keep You Focused; Which You’ll Have Immediate Access To In A Secured Members Area. Below is An Example of Each Weekly Modules...
Week 1
Be Intentional: Mindset, Motivation & Mentoring
What is intention?  The definition of intention is a thing intended or an aim or a plan. In other words, this can also pertain to motive. Now, to put it simply, it is a desire to achieve something.  During this week, we will deal with having a focused mindset, the tools needed to get motivated and why mentoring is essential to your success.
Week 2
Identify & Remove Distractions
While this is the Information Age, it is also the Distraction Age. We have always had distractions to deal with in our life and today, those distractions are compressed, contending for our attention: email and social media notifications, open browser tabs, and beeping smartphones, etc. Engaging in online activities seems to have become addictive because of the instant positive feedback that it brings. This week, we will show you how to remove those debilitating distractions.
Week 3
TURBO Charge Your Priorities
It’s hard to find focus when there are too many things that you are trying to accomplish all at once. That’s why you need to learn to prioritize things by devoting a block of your day to working on specific tasks.  This week, we will show you how to set your priorities by starting with the ones that excite you the most and the ones that will have the biggest impact on your life.
Week 4
Quality Matters in Productivity
How can you say that someone is productive? Is it through the quality or the quantity of his or her work?  As we approach the finish line, we will show you strategies and tools to increase your productivity in the context of quantity (how much got done) and quality (how well it got done)which means having satisfactory outputs or results.

Week 5
Develop A Morning Ritual
There is a saying that the “military gets more done by 7 AM., than most people get done all day.” Why is this? They start their day early! One way to increase your productivity is going to bed and getting sleep and then getting up early to complete or start a new project with a rested mind and body. This will will help you to develop a morning ritual that takes just 7 minutes to complete. Very Powerful stuff.
Week 6
Strategies and Tactics
Do you find yourself handling a lot of papers and going back and forth from screen to screen? In this bonus week, you will discover how to touch it once and have it reach out to you when needed. You also learn to organize your work area more efficiently and several other powerful bonus training lessons.

FAST Coaching Features
FAST Coaching Benefits
  • Downloadable Action Sheets
  •  Micro Video Trainings
  •  Amazon #1 Bestselling book, Focused Driven Lifestyle 
  • Access to FaceBook Mastermind Group
  •  Ticket to Live Event
  •  Self-paced online training
  • No Time Limits to Complete Sessions
  • Focus is on Self Discovery & Mastery
  •  Increase Your Focus & Productivity
  •  Ideal for the Do-it-Yourself Individual

Hear What Our Clients Have to Say...

Are You Ready To Take Your Life
To The Next Level?
Click The Start Now Button Below To 
Sign Up For The FAST Start Coaching System Now!
Total Value: $5,176.00

Today Only: $997.00

30 Day Risk-Free Guarantee

Feel completely safe and secure as you place your order, knowing you can get a full refund at any time in the next 30 days if you decide the system isn't for you. Send a quick email to and we'll give you every penny back, no questions asked.
Frequently Asked Questions
How will the product be delivered?
Once your payment is processed you will be redirected to register for the private member's area. After your registration is complete you'll have an intake, welcome meeting with a member of my team to welcome you and walk you through the program and answer any questions you might have regarding the coaching system.
Who is this program for?
The FAST Coaching System is for anyone that wants to take their life to the next level of success. Anyone who is ready to take action and commit to a proven process so you can start living an extraordinary life.
If you want a simple, effective program to tap into the power of being proactive and deliberate in the way each day of your life goes.

If you want to start living every day with confidence, passion, energy, and excitement, then FAST Coaching is for YOU!
How fast will I see results?
The FAST Coaching System was carefully created for you to start seeing positive results immediately, using proven methods that have personally changed my life, and thousands of others in amazing ways.
Keep in mind however, the ultimate goal is long-term, consistent results, not just "fast" results. And that depends on you taking action, following the steps and sticking to the plan on a daily basis.
I have more questions. Who do I ask?
I'm committed to your success and want you to make an intelligent decision to enroll in our coaching system. If there's a question I haven't properly addressed on this page simply send an email to or call our office at 877-275-3039,and we'll get back to you as soon as we can, usually within 24 hours.
Don't forget, I'm offering you 30 Days to try the system Risk Free, with a 100% Money Back Guarantee. If you find the system just isn't right for you within that 30 days, just ask for a refund. It's that simple.
Total Value: $5,176.00

Today Only: $997.00

30 Day Risk-Free Guarantee

Feel completely safe and secure as you place your order, knowing you can get a full refund at any time in the next 30 days if you decide the system isn't for you.
Send a quick email to and we'll give you every penny back, no questions asked.
10% Of Profits Go Towards Building
A School In A Third World Country!
One of the great privileges and benefits of running a successful business and living an abundant life full of blessings and gratitude, is the ability to contribute to making the world a better place.
One way that I'm doing that personally is through an organization called Change Heroes.​
I've decided that 10% of the profits from the sale of Morning Ritual Mastery will go towards funding my current projects with Change Heroes to build a school in Ecuador and Kenya.
This is something I'm very passionate about...
Education is something so many of us take for granted. But many children around the world never have the same opportunity we do to learn how to read, write, and simple arithmetic. They don't have access to an environment where they can learn and grow. Mentors, teachers and role models to help them be successful in life.
The goal to build the school in Ecuador and Kenya is:
$10,000​ each
Once the campaign is funded I'll actually be going to Ecuador to help build the school and will be filming the entire project to share with all of you once we're finished and the school is open.
So once again, thank you for purchasing Morning Ritual Mastery.
Your purchase is not only going to have an amazing positive impact on your own life, but also a positive, literally life changing impact on the lives ​of the children that will attend the school and the their community.
Focused Acceleration Success Transformation Group  (FAST) Coaching System is the protected trademark of Focused Driven Lifestyle Coaching, LLC, located at 3456 John Hinkle Place, Bloomington, IN 47408.  All results are different, therefore, Focused Driven Lifestyle Coaching, LLC does not make any endorsement, approval or review of results experienced by its customers used in the promotion of these products. 
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